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RC4 Products & DMXCat Compatibility

Aug 1, 2022

RC4 products turn theatrical props, costumes, and set pieces into DMX-controlled lighting fixtures. With best-in-class wireless control, and batteries for untethered operation, all your props, practicals, and costumes integrate into your scenes and cues, managed by your lighting designer and board operator like all the other fixtures in your show.

Step by Step:
1. Once you have your device powered and either connected directly to the DMXCat or through a LumenRadio Transceiver, open the DMXCat program
2. Select RDM Controller > RDM
3. In this window you may change settings and preferences like DMX addresses
4. By returning to the device listing in the RDM Controller section from before, you can select the DMX button to run channel checks

General Tips:
1. RC4 2.4GHz and 900MHz Magic devices must be plugged directly into the DMXCat
2. RC4 Lumen devices may be connected to the DMXCat by using a LumenRadio Transceiver
2. There cannot be any existing traffic on your network, or your connection will not hold up