This video is configuring the DMXpix with a Zero 88 Fat Frog console in wide mode with 48 channels using an RC4Magic DMXio and RC4Magic DMXpix (applicable to both the 2.4GHz system which is the example being used in this video as well as the 900MHz dual pixel string driver with the compatible transceiver).
NOTE: For reference to configuring the RC4 LumenDimPix, please refer to this video.
The process uses RC4 OneTouch™ which uses DMX channel levels to represent channels and curves, which are then adopted by a dimmer when a single small button is pressed.
A 300-pixel string of LED tape is being used, but the DMXpix is generating data for 500 pixels on each port (A and B) :
- 500 pixels is 1500 channels
- 1500 channels is 3 universes
This is all handled by the DMXpix.
Determine the chip type being used on the LED tape. In this case it is a Vivid RGB string that uses WS2812 chips.
The DMXpix is incredibly versatile and supports all popular pixel string protocols, including WS2801, WS2812, APA102, LPD8806, and more. Need to install the drivers for a new pixel product? It’s easy using the RC4 CodeLoader Cable™; simply download the drivers installing them on the DMXpix.
Start with all channels on the console down (at zero) in order to configure the parameters on the DMXpix:
- On the channel where you will be starting your keyframe, set the level for the correct string type. In this case, we are starting at DMX channel 1 and using a level of 75% to set WS2812
- On the next channel (2 in this case) set the keyframeKeyframeKeyframes are a user-definable range of DMX channels used to create visual effects with pixel strings. The keyframe and the replication method are the core elements of patented RC4 Custom Pixel Profiles. A keyframe can use a fraction of a DMX universe and control hundreds of pixel LEDs with live creative control of the entire […]
Read more » length; this determines the number of pixels used - On the next channel (3 in this case) set the groupingGroupingGrouping is one of several parameters in RC4 Custom Pixel Profiles in DMXpix and LumenDimPix pixel drivers. It allows multiple physical pixels to be mapped to one control pixel. This is just one of several ways to control more pixels with fewer channels using patent-pending RC4 technology.
Read more » size; this determines the number of pixels in a group - On the next channel (4 in this case) set the type of replicationReplicationRC4 Custom Pixel Profiles™ provide various methods for expanding and extending a keyframe of pixels beyond it’s basic length. These are replication methods. The simplest replication method copies the keyframe end to beginning, over and over again, for the length of the string.
Read more »; this determines how the keyframe is repeated down the length of the string - Using a small tool like a bent paper clip, tap the Set A ButtonSet A ButtonAll RC4 dimmers have Set buttons for each individual dimmer output. The first button is the Set A button. On a 2-channel device these are Set A and Set B buttons. A 4-channel device adds Set C and Set D. The most common use of the Set button is to assign a DMX channel and […]
Read more » on the DMXpix to assign these settings Pixel Driver A
Changing the color order on the first dimmer channel of the DMXpix:
- On the first channel (1 in this case) on the console, set the chip type again
- To avoid having to set any of the other parameters again, be sure all other channels are down = at zero
- Using a small tool like a bent paper clip, tap the Set A button on the DMXPix
- Cycling through the color order is done by tapping the Set A button repeatedly
- The color that appears on the tape when Set A is tapped indicates the first color of the new color order
- When you see pixels lit red, you know that is the first color
- For every first color, there are two possible color orders. In this case it could be red/green/blue or red/blue/green. Raise the 2nd and 3rd channels to confirm it is red/green/blue. If not, continue tapping Set A until red appears again.
All channels must be down to configure the second dimmer channel. In this example, the second dimmer channel starts on DMX channel 25 on the console:
- On channel 25 set the string/chip type
- On the next channel (26 in this case), set the keyframe length
- On the next channel (27 in this case) set the grouping size
- On the next channel (28 in this case) set the type of replication
Using a small tool like a bent paper clip, tap the Set B ButtonSet B ButtonAll RC4 dimmers have Set buttons for each individual dimmer output. The second button is the Set B button. On a 2-channel device these are Set A and Set B buttons. A 4-channel device adds Set C and Set D. The most common use of the Set button is to assign a DMX channel and […]
Read more » on the DMXpix to assign these settings to Pixel Driver B
Leave all channels as they are, still representing the desired settings as we change the color order on the second dimmer channel of the DMXpix:
- Using a small tool like a bent paper clip, tap the Set B button on the DMXpix
- Cycling through the color order is done by tapping the Set B button repeatedly
- The entire chain of pixels is now controlled from 24 DMX channels, which are RGB for 8 pixels (8 pixels x 3 colors = 24 DMX channels) which is one row of faders on our Zero 88 demonstration console. The keyframe can be any length of pixels from 1 (unison mode) to 170 (1:1 mode).
See RC4Magic DMXPix Quick Start Guide for an outline of available parameters with associated channels and levels.