I. The DMXio has the ability to limit the DMX channels that are transmitted
A. Limiting the number of DMX channels that are transmitted limits the RF bandwith being used
1. This means that more wireless DMX universes can be operated simultaneously, each with it’s own separate transmitter (particularly if not all DMX channels need to be available via wireless)
2. It can also free up space for a wifi signal and other consumer and prosumer systems in the 2.4Ghz band
C. This will not necessarily make wireless DMX performance any better or worse
1. The default settings pass the entire DMX universe, channel 1 – 512, without limits. This is recommended in most applications.
D. This process requires streaming DMX data at the XLR input of the DMXio
E. This process requiures the DMXio to be in transmit mode, either invoked by Auto Mode or specifically set to TX mode by the user
II. Setting a limit on the DMX channels transmitted via a DMXio:
A. Choose the lowest DMX channel on the console to be transmitted.
1. In this example, DMX channel 7 is used
B. Bring that channel up to full
1. All other channels must be down
C. Using a small tool like a bent paper clip, tap the TX Low Chan button on the DMXio
D. Bring that channel down
E. Find the highest DMX channel on the console to be transmitted
1. In this example, it is channel 20
F. Bring that channel up to full
1. All other channels must be down
G. Using a small tool like a bent paper clip, tap the TX High Chan button on the DMXio
H. The yellow DMX Channel Range Limit indicator on the DMXIo will blink steadily
1. This indicates that you have limited the DMX channels that are transmitted
2. In this example, the DMX channels transmitted are from channel 7 to channel 20
3. Changing Low Chan to 1 and High Chan to 512 will turn the yellow LED indicator off
4. Restoring factory default settings sets Low to 1 and High to 512
III. Returning to full transmission mode on the DMXio
A. There are 2 ways to do this:
1. The easiest is to restore factory defaults on the DMXio
2. Alternatively, the process above can be used to set TX Low Chan to 1, and TX High Chan to 512
3. Using either method, the yellow indicator will be off, not blinking, when the entire DMX universe if being transmitted without channel limits