This video uses an older RC4 S3 device as an example, but the functionality remains the same in all new RC4 Magic devices. This information applies to 2.4GHz and 900MHz devices.
I .Using an RC4Magicdevice as a dongle enables the unit to function as a data transmitter to configure parameters in remote devices, and test them with a set of simple DMX faders
A. This is done using any RC4Magic or RC4Magic-900 device and free RC4 Commander software.
1. One RC4 device can be used as a Mac or PC dongle to configure the parameters of one or more remote devices
2. RC4 Commander is NOT used to configure parameters in the device being used as the dongle
B. An RC4 CoadLoader cable is used as the USB interface to the external RC4Magic or RC4Magic-900 device
1. Plug the USB plug into a USB port on the computer
2. Plug the miniplug end into the port on the RC4Magic or RC4Magic-900 device
C. If possible, unplug all other COM Port devices in your computer
1. The RC4 CodeLoader cable appears as a COM portCOM PortCOM (Communication port) is the original, yet still common, name of the serial port interface on IBM PC-compatible computers. It might refer not only to physical ports, but also to virtual ports, such as ports created by USB-to-serial adapters. The RC4 CodeLoader cable is one of these adaptors, and the RC4 XStick Dongle contains one internally.
Read more » on the computer, and unplugging other COM devices makes it easier to identify which one is the RC4 CodeLoader cable
II. How to put an RC4 DMX2dim into dongle mode to remotely configure and control a separate DMX4dim dimmer
A. Power up the DMX4dim
B. Plug the RC4 CodeLoader cableCodeLoader cableThe RC4 CodeLoader cable connects any RC4 Series 3 device to a USB port on a computer. Together with RC4 CodeLoader software it is used to update firmware. When used with RC4 Commander software, any RC4Magic Series 3 and RC4Magic-900 can be used as a dongle and be connected to the PC with a CodeLoader cable. […]
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C. Power up the DMX2dim
D. Insert the miniplug end of the CodeLoader cable into the port on the DMX2dim
E. Using a small tool like a bent paper clip, long-press (press and hold) the Function buttonFunction buttonEvery RC4 Harmonized Design™ device provides a Function button, sometimes called the Func, Shift or Shift/Func button, to increase the number of available functions available with the other buttons. The Func button also invokes CodeLoader mode when held down during power-up.
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1. The green Data indicator will blink asymmetrically to indicate Dongle Mode
2. Release the Function button
3. The asymmetrical blinking will continue until Dongle Mode is exited (cycling power)
F. Open RC4 Commander software
1. Click on the COM Port identified as DongleModeDevice
a. Choose the correct System IDSystem IDRC4Magic devices are coded with unique system IDs to ensure the best possible data security. Three unique codes are provided for each new RC4Magic system. System IDs consist of four characters that can each be a letter or number, i.e 2876, 2F7D or DFAF. Although every system has it’s own three unique IDs, they are referred […]
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b. For RC4Magic-900 and RC5 EASS, set the correct channel maskChannel maskRC4Magic-900 and RC5 EASS systems use Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum to wirelessly transmit data. Each small packet in a data stream is transmitted on a different radio channel. The specific channels that are used can be selected by the RC4 user with the channel mask settings. RC4Magic-900 has 63 channels available, of which 25 are required […]
Read more » values (users usually leave these as the default values)
c. Proceed to the Commander homescreen and the software will configure the dongle device
d. The DMX2dim is now acting as a system transmitter
e. In this demonstration the DMX4dim is a remote receiver
f. The wireless link and remote control of the DMX4dim can be tested by observing the on-board DimA-Dim LEDs when using the Virtual TX tab in Commander, or by plugging a load into the DMX4dim and using the Virtual TX tab in Commander to control dimmer levels