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RC4 Knowledge Base

Pixel Drivers with RC4 Custom Pixel Profiles (DMXpix)

I. Two strings of pixels are operated simultaneously on a DMXpix

A. Up to 500 pixels long (when using 3-color RGB pixels)

B. 1000 RGB pixels in total

C. equivalent of 3000 DMX channels

II. String operation

A. Multiple string configurations are possible

B. Users can use a different string type with each port

1. Different color orders / combinations can be combined

2. Color order in a string can easily be re-ordered so that all strings operate the same way from the DMX console

C. color matching

1. The DMXpix provides pixel ColorMatch technology to match color palettes

a. Colors corrections can be permanently saved in the DMXpix

b. No need for color correction at the DMX console

c. Color consistency with various different pixel products is ensured

III. The DMXpix is a wireless unit that receives one universe of data at a time

A. The DMXpix can work with 3 or 4 colors per pixel (fw updates will support additional colors when pixel products are available)

1. In standard 1:1 mode, DMX channels are directly mapped to 170 pixels

B. The DMXpix contains two drivers, one for each string of pixels

1. Each driver handles 500 physical pixels (when using 3-color RGB pixels)

IV. The DMXpix uses the RC4 Custom Pixel Profile technique

A. A  

b. Simple decrementDecrementTo decrease a quantity by a fixed numeric value.
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c. Increment/decrement

d. Decrement/increment

B. A  groupingGroupingGrouping is one of several parameters in RC4 Custom Pixel Profiles in DMXpix and LumenDimPix pixel drivers.  It allows multiple physical pixels to be mapped to one control pixel.  This is just one of several ways to control more pixels with fewer channels using patent-pending RC4 technology.
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allows a variety of patterns to be quickly and easily expanded

1. Multiple physical pixels are mapped to a single DMX console pixel

2. Using a Grouping of 5, the first 5 pixels are controlled by the first 3 DMX channels; the next 5 pixels are controlled by the next 3 DMX channels; and so on