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RC4 Knowledge Base

Custom Pixel Profiles Explained (DMXpix)

I . keyframeKeyframeKeyframes are a user-definable range of DMX channels used to create visual effects with pixel strings.  The keyframe and the replication method are the core elements of patented RC4 Custom Pixel Profiles.  A keyframe can use a fraction of a DMX universe and control hundreds of pixel LEDs with live creative control of the entire […]
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s can be used to create pixel displays of a much larger size

II. In this example, the bottom row of pixel tape is comprised of red/green/blue pixels across one dmx universeDmx universeDMX data for lighting control is managed in sets of up to 512 channels.  This is called a DMX universe.  For more channels, multiple universes are utilized.
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A. The keyframe starts at DMX channel 100

B. There are 21 pixels in this keyframe — that number can be changed

C. 60 pixels is a good number of pixels in a keyframe

1. A 170 pixel keyframe is equivalent to 1:1 DMX mapping, but with the advantage that the data repeats or replicates further down the string, past the 170th pixel

2. Larger keyframes accommodate more complex effects

3. Smaller keyframes accommodate a larger number of different effects using a single DMX universe

D. Many keyframes can be used in a single universe

E. A second keyframe is added that is comprised of 9 pixels

F. There are now two keyframes on one piece of pixel tape

III. Using the DMXpix and the computer, the top row of pixel tape has a group setting of ten

A. One pixel in the keyframe is going to become ten pixels in the string driven by the DMXpix

B. The design of 21 pixels has now been spread across 170 pixels

1. Adding pixel tape will increase the design up to 500 pixels total

IV. This pattern is in the console

V. A keyframe is a a range of console controlled channels

VI. Custom Pixel Profiling is how the box (the DMXpix) takes the keyframe and applies it to a length of pixel tape