All Series 3 Devices Easily Supply DMX Data.
Wired and Wireless DMX Operation
All RC4 Series 3 devices can be used as both wired and wireless devices and include a small DMX miniplug. This connector is non-standard for DMX, simply because a full-size DMX connector does not fit on miniature devices.
When using wireless DMX for control, the wired DMX data output can be connected to downstream DMX devices using a simple miniplug-to-XLR adaptor.
Similarly, RC4 Series 3 dimmers can be used in wired DMX input mode, rather than wireless mode. In this case, the dimmer data input is RDM-compliant and supports a comprehensive range of Remote Device Management features.
RC4Magic Series 3
When using RC4Magic Series 3 devices, RDM is only supported for wired DMX input. RDM is not supported over the wireless link. Remote configuration is provided using an RC4MagicPC software and dongle, which includes access to advanced parameters not available using RDM.
RC4MagicPC is required to switch between wireless and wired control on RC4Magic dimmers (DMX2micro, DMX2dim, DMX4dim, DMX 4dim-500, DMX4servo, etc.). When the wired DMX input is selected, remote configuration remains wireless via RC4MagicPC.
LumenRadio CRMX provides an ideal RDM (remote device management) experience. When using RC4 LumenDim devices with an RDM controller, all RC4 Series 3 RDM features are accessible wirelessly.
LumenDim devices switch to wired DMX input when the RF card is Unlinked from all transmitters. This is accomplished by holding the RF button for 5 seconds, until the blue RF indicator goes off. An external DMX source can then be connected to the miniplug DMX port. All channel and RDM features are then accessible by wire.
RC4 Wireless is committed to expanding and improving RC4 Series 3 RDM implementation through no-charge firmware updates. Installing updates is easy using the RC4 Bootloader.
Wireless Solution W-DMX cards optionally support wireless RDM, with various caveats limiting implementation at the time of this writing. For this reason, standard RC4 W-DIM devices use RF modules without RDM support. If you need wireless RDM support for W-DIM dimmers in your W-DMX system, start by contacting Wireless Solution about W-DMX transmitter updates and upgrades, then contact RC4 Wireless about RF module upgrades for RDM functionality.
W-DIM devices switch to wired DMX operation when the RF card is Unlinked from all transmitters. This is accomplished by holding the RF button for 5 seconds, until the blue RF indicator goes off. An external DMX source can then be connected to the miniplug DMX port. All channel and RDM features are accessible by wire, regardless of the RF card installed. The core of all RC4 Series 3 devices fully supports RDM.