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How-to Guides

Simple steps to do almost anything with RC4 Wireless devices.

Changing PWM Frequencies for Video Applications

I. This video features changing on the RC4 LumenDimM4, but the concept applies to all RC4 dimmers that have PWM frequency capability. A. The unit must be receiving streaming data from the transmitter in this process 1. The yellow LED...

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Setting RGBx LED Tape on DMX Ch 39 (LumenDimM4)

I. Connecting four color (RGBx) LED tape to the LumenDimM4 A. Configuration can be completed with a single press of a single button B. The colors will be assigned to consecutive DMX channels II.Setting four color LED tape on LumenDimM4 starting on channel 39 A. No...

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How to Pair and Unpair with a Transmitter (LumenDimM4)

I. All RC4 LumenDim devices use a genuine LumenRadio CRMX radio card, and pairing function work the same way as other LumenRadio devices II. Pair an unpaired LumenDimM4 with a LumenRadio transmitter A. Push the link button on the transmitter B. The Link indicator on...

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Select a System ID on an RC4Magic DMX2dim

Setting the System ID on all RC4Magic 3-button devices is the same procedure. This applies to 2.4GHz RC4Magic Series 2 and Series 3 systems (purple label) and 900MHz RC4Magic-900 (blue label) systems.   At power up, a pattern of LED blinks indicates the currently...

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RC4 LumenDim Cross-Fade Mode with WW/CW LEDs

I. When doing motion picture work and using warm/cool white LED panels, it’s useful to be able to pick color temperatures as a mix of warm and cool A. Cross-fading between the warm/cool white channels to find the correct color temperature is required B. The brightness...

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CV Control of Architectural Fixtures

This video is a detailed tutorial.  See Intro to CV Control of Architectural Fixtures for an overview. I. How to retrofit wireless LED technology into a custom architectural project. In the example, the lighting elements are decorative  LED strips and a Cree primary...

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Smoothly Dim a Flicker Candle Module (DMX4dim)

I. All RC4 Series 3 Harmonized Design devices operate from 6 volts to 35 volts and can directly drive devices that operate within that voltage range A. This tutorial demonstrates a method for dimming DC loads that require less than 6V (a low-cost 3V flicker candle) B....

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